PT. Pinnacle Apparels employs a skilled workforce of more than 2200, trained to deliver the best quality to our buyers. Our various departments are staffed with qualified individuals passionate about their role and contribution towards the common goal of customer satisfaction.
One Team One Dream, United in Work & play

Team Merah Putih

Reaching for the PINNACLE

Team Pinnacle - Always Geared Up

Navigating New Shores

Together We Fly

Redefining Gravity
One Team One Dream, United in Work & play
Motivated Work Force - Employee welfare Rewards & incentives

Workers' Children Education Program

Incentive Program

Best Employee Award Program

Donate Blood Save Life

Training for the Future

Rewarding Best Performance
Initiatives in collaboration with our buyers
Training Activity

PT. Pinnacle Apparels is proud to be associated with HER Project in collaboration with Ann Inc.
HER Project works to empower low-income women working in global supply chains through workplace programs promoting health, economic empowerment, and women's rights.
HER Project

Group Discussion
Better Work is an innovative partnership between the International Labour Organization and the International Finance Corporation that aims to improve livelihood of workers and their families across the global garment industry.
PT. Pinnacle Apparels is part of this global program and compliant with it.